Guitar Tuner

Tune Up
Tune Down
Press Play Pluck a String All Tuned Up Permission Required

Here are some instructions if you're not sure what to do:

  • 1
    Click the Play button.
  • 2
    Click “allow” if you see a question in the browser asking if the page can use your microphone.
  • 3
    Pluck the string you wish to tune, and adjust the tuning until the note in the gray circle is the same as the string you wish to tune, if it is not already.
  • 4
    Then, adjust the knob on your guitar's headboard that turns the corresponding peg and string, and pluck the string again. Do this until the orange circle aligns with the gray circle. Now that string is tuned!
  • 5
    Now that you have the process down, tune the rest of your strings.
  • 6
    Happy tuning!

Trouble-Shooting Guide:
If the microphone has been allowed but the tuner isn't responding to sounds from your instrument,
see below for possible solutions:

  • Check your microphone to make sure it is working properly. You can use the test on our home page and find out more information about microphone troubleshooting here.
  • If your microphone is external (meaning not built into your computer) then check to make sure it is securely connected to your input USB port.
  • Some microphones have an “ON” / “OFF” mode. Make sure your microphone is set to “ON”.
  • Check to make sure that your microphone is not muted. For help with different operating systems and microphone problems, check out our "TECHNICAL GUIDES" section on the left-side menu.
  • You can try to use a different browser, like Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. Safari might not work with our test.

    More About This Page:

    How does this Guitar Tuner work?

    Your microphone detects the guitar string sound, and then converts that sound into an electrical signal. That signal is then interpreted by our tool and the frequency of that sound is deciphered and displayed along with the corresponding musical note. As mentioned previously, everything that happens is occurring in your computer, meaning no information is being sent over to our servers.

    What if I want to tune a bass guitar or other instrument?

    Refer to our list of tuners.

    How to tune by ear?

    If you want to train your ear while tuning the guitar, here is a way you can practice:

    1. Simply tune the big E string (or the sixth string) using our tuner.
    2. Next, press down on the sixth string on the 5th fret.
    3. Pluck the sixth string, and then the fifth string. If the fifth string’s pitch does not match the sixth string, adjust the tuning knob of the fifth string up or down, until the pitch matches.
    4. Repeat this process to tune the 4th, 3rd, and 1st strings.
    5. To tune the 2nd string (B string) the process is exactly the same, except you press down the 3rd string on the 4th fret, instead of the 5th.
    6. If you want to see a visual representation of this method, check out this video.

    Does it matter which guitar am I using?

    No, between classical, acoustic and electric guitars, while the timbre of the guitar changes, the main frequency doesn’t change. All guitars are defaultly tuned to EADGBE. Here are the correct pitches for each string:

    • E (E2) - 82 Hz
    • A (A2) - 110 Hz
    • D (D3) - 147 Hz
    • G (G3) - 196 Hz
    • B (B3) - 247 Hz
    • E (E4) - 330 Hz

    What about alternative tunings?

    We chose to focus on this tool on the default EADGBE tuning. More advanced players could refer to our Alternate Tunings Guitar Tuner to tune to any other possible tuning.

    However, some alternate tunings can be done from here. If you want to experiment with alternative tunings, Drop D is a simple and common alternative tuning you can easily get to a couple of ways:

    1. Simply pluck the large E string (the sixth string) and lower the pitch until the note in the gray circle has a D in it, and fine-tune until the orange circle is aligned with the gray circle. Make sure all your other strings are in tune like normal, and you are in Drop D tuning!
    2. A second option is to tune to drop D by ear. To do this, simply pluck the large E string (sixth string) and the D string ( 4th string) at the same time. Continue to do this while lowering the pitch of the E string until it matches the pitch of the D string. Now you are in Drop D tuning!